Drop-Tank Fruit Beverage | Post-Production

In this live Photoshop workshop, now available to watch as a replay, Karl takes you step-by-step through his post-production work on the shots he captured previously in Drop-Tank Fruit Beverage Shoot.

You’ll see the thought process and creativity involved in combining various layers to produce the perfect final image, as well as the precise retouching and editing required to make it look convincing and authentic.

In this class:

  • How to composite multiple images in Photoshop
  • Post-production techniques for product photography

If you enjoy this class, be sure to check out Still Life: Natural Decay | Post-Production.

Questions? Please post them in the comments section below.


    1. Hi you can not get the RAW files from my own work. Unfortunately we tried this before and it was abused as people then took the images and claimed them to be their own. In our photoshop classes we have a few image files that can be supplied to work along with.

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